Jorge Alirio Jaimes Flórez SPORTS HONORS
Title: Martial Arts Instructor
Age: 48 years
Location: Los Patios, Norte de Santander, Colombia
- Degree in basic education with an emphasis in physical education, recreation and sports from the University of Pamplona.
Master, 5th Dan black belt.
President of the WKBO of Colombia.
Practitioner of open styles, Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Grappling and MMA.
Sports level titles:
Tony Jas Cup National Champion (1993-1994-1995-1996-1997-1998-1999-2000)
Runner-up of the Tuluá Golden Tiger Cup (1995) Colombia.
Runner-up of the Arco Dorado Cup in Full Contact (1995) Bogotá Colombia.
Colombian Cup Champion, Bogotá (1995-1996)
Champion of the Bucaramanga Pontifical Bolivarian University Cup (1997-1998) Colombia.
Binational Champion of various tournaments in Venezuela between the years (1997-2014) Colombia.
Binational Champion of the Venezuelan Colombo Cup of the year (2015).
- Pan American Champion in Cali Colombia on November 10 (2019).
- Organizer of the Chinácota Cup TAO-SHOU-DO Norte de Santander Colombia from (2008) to (2019).
- Organizer of the Patios TAO-SHOU-DO Cup of Norte de Santander Colombia from (1995) to (2022).
- Organizer of the Colombian-Venezuelan Cup from (2008) to (2022) in Colombia.
- Organizer of the Honda Verde Cup, Ragonvalia (2023).
- Organizer of Karate, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Grappling and Amateur MMA in Cage Events.
- Experience in my Martial career 36 years.
- I am a student, more advanced rank of the great Master Jorge Alberto Sánchez Gómez of the Tigre International School. USES. ITMAS to which I belong 36 years ago.
Maricela Rincón Toro SPORTS HONORS
Title: Martial Arts Instructor
Age: 48 years
Location: Los Patios, Norte de Santander, Colombia
Master, 3rd Dan black belt.
- Practitioner of open styles, Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Grappling and MMA.
Sports level titles:
Tony Jas Cup National Champion (1994-1995-1996-1997-1998-1999-2000)
Champion of the Arco Dorado Cup (1995) Bogotá Colombia.
Colombian Cup Champion, Bogotá (1995-1996)
Cup Champion Pontifical Bolivarian University of Bucaramanga (1997-1998) Colombia.
Binational Champion of several tournaments in Venezuela between the years (1997-2009) Colombia.
I belong to the organization of the events Copa los Patios, Copa Chinácota, Copa Honda Verde and the Gran Copa Colombo Venezolana TAO-SHOU-DO, since the years (2000-2023), (N.S), Colombia.
- Experience in my Martial career 30 years.
- I am a student, most advanced rank of the Master Jorge Alirio Jaimes Flórez of the ITMAS TAO-SHOU-DO School of Colombia.
Yin Reiny Jaimes Rincón SPORTS HONORS
Title: Martial Arts Instructor
Age: 18 years
Location: Los Patios, Norte de Santander, Colombia
Black belt.
- Practitioner of open styles, Karate, Kung-Fu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Grappling and MMA.
Sports level titles:
Los Patios Cup Zonal Champion From (2009) to (2023), (N.S), Colombia.
Zonal Champion Chinácota Cup From (2,009) to (2,023), (N.S), Colombia.
Green Honda Cup Champion (2023) Ragonvalia, (N.S), Colombia.
Kiatzu Cup Champion from (2015) to (2023) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
Dojo Cúcuta Cup Champion (2015-2016) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
Wushi-Quan Cup Champion (2019) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
Extreme Challenge Cup Champion from (2010) to (2017) Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.
Champion of Several Silent León Cup Tournaments between the years (2012) to (2022) Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.
- Gladiator Cup Kick-Boxing Champion (2019) Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.
- Kaiju Cup Champion (2,022) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
- Combat Cup Champion (2,023) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
- International Champion of the Challenge Cup (2011) San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
- Carlos Vivas Cup Champion (2011), Venezuela.
- Top Fighter Cup Champion (2012), Venezuela.
- Venezuelan Colombo Cup Champion from (2009) to (2022) Cúcuta, (N.S), Colombia.
- Pan American Champion in Cali Colombia on November 10 (2019).
- Experience in my Martial trajectory 16 years.
- I am a student of the Master Jorge Alirio Jaimes Flórez of the ITMAS TAO-SHOU-DO School.